Thursday, March 13, 2014

Dallas school children are told in Religion Class that the Church teaches all in the present times do not have to enter the Catholic Church for salvation

In the diocese of Dallas school children  are being told that the Catholic Church  teaches that all in  the present times do not have to enter the Catholic Church for salvation. Others can be saved in their religion.They are saved in general in their religion and do not have to convert.
School teachers need to teach this new doctrine and also say that this is the teaching of the Catholic Church.

Congratulations to our OLPH 8th grade class for receiving their Sacrament of Confirmation this morning at Mass.
1.If a student asks,"From where do we get this teaching" ? The teacher responds, "From Vatican Council II".
2.If the student says Vatican Council II (AG 7) says 'all' need 'faith and baptism' for salvation  the teacher denies it.This is expected of the school teacher who has to be a Catholic with a Bachelor's Degree from a University.
3.If the student says we do not know any one in 2014 who is saved in invincible ignorance (LG 16), imperfect communion with the Church (UR 3), good and holy things in other religions(NA 2) the teacher must still say that the Church teaches that we do know such persons.
If the student asks the teacher if it is possible to name any such person, who is saved with imperfect communion with the Church, good and holy things in other religion etc, the teacher says there are no known names.We cannot name any such person.These cases are known only to God.
The confused student would just give up.
The teacher is telling a lie with the connivance of the local bishop, or they are both ignorant on this subject. Possibly the latter is true.
1. Vatican Council II no where says that other religions are the ordinary means of salvation, or that we know any one in another religion who is saved without converting into the Catholic Church.Vatican Council II no where says that the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus has been superseded.
2. Vatican Council II (AG 7) says all need 'faith and baptism'. So all need to enter the Church to go to Heaven and avoid Hell.
3.We do not know any one in 2014 who is saved in invincible ignorance (LG 16), imperfect communion with the Church (UR 3), good and holy things in other religions (NA 2).

The school principals and the teachers of religion classs are using an irrational premise in the teaching of the Catholic Faith.
They assume that we know non Catholics now dead on earth and  saved in Heaven. It is assumed that we can physically see these persons. Since they can be seen physically they are exceptions to the traditional teaching which says all need to enter the Catholic Church for salvation.
So all do not need to enter the Catholic Church is the teaching in Dallas Catholic schools since allegedly they can see the dead-saved.
To be able to see the dead-saved who are exceptions to the traditional teaching on exclusive salvation is taught to Catholic children through out their life.
Even if they graduate from the University of Dallas, they are programmed with this error, a new doctrine for the Catholic Church.

1 comment:

Catholic Mission said...

Catholic Math students have to assume that they can see the dead who are saved in Heaven. Then then conclude that these cases are exceptions to all needing to convert into the Catholic Church.
What type of logic is this?
Is this how you do your equations in real life ?
How can zero cases of something be an exception ?.