Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Catechism of the Catholic Church and Mortal Sin

Catechism of the Catholic Church

1857 For a sin to be mortal, three conditions must together be met: "Mortal sin is sin whose object is grave matter and which is also committed with full knowledge and deliberate consent."131

1858 Grave matter is specified by the Ten Commandments, corresponding to the answer of Jesus to the rich young man: "Do not kill, Do not commit adultery, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Do not defraud, Honor your father and your mother."132 The gravity of sins is more or less great: murder is graver than theft. One must also take into account who is wronged: violence against parents is in itself graver than violence against a stranger.

1859 Mortal sin requires full knowledge and complete consent. It presupposes knowledge of the sinful character of the act, of its opposition to God's law. It also implies a consent sufficiently deliberate to be a personal choice. Feigned ignorance and hardness of heart do not diminish, but rather increase, the voluntary character of a sin.
Grave matter :
It is the denial of the Nicene Creed when it is said that we believe in not one baptism; the baptism of water for the forgiveness of sin but three visible baptisms.The baptism of desire and blood being also visible.(and of course exceptions to all needing the baptism of water for salvation).

It includes the denial of Vatican Council II (Ad Gentes 7) on all needing Catholic Faith and the baptism of water.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church 846 on all needing to enter the Church as through a door, all need faith and baptism (AG 7) is also being denied.

The denial of all the three (above) with alleged claims of being able to see the dead who are now saved and who are physically visible EXCEPTIONS, to the above three documents and citations is grave matter.

full knowledge:

The priest on the Internet Discussion Board, True Catholic, in Sydney Australia, has full knowledge of this issue.

and complete consent.

He is giving his consent freely and publicly on this discussion board to heresy and mortal sin.

He has been informed, he knows and he freely rejects a subject which is grave matter. 
-Lionel Andrades

Photo banner from the website of the Archdiocese of  Sydney.

Young Catholics alive today who have actually seen Hell

Only four of the six visionaries saw hell. Our Lady gave Mirjana and Ivanka the choice whether or not to see hell and they chose against it. Ivan and Marija both saw a vision of hell and all that Ivan will state is that he prefers not to discuss it. Vicka and Jakov were physically taken to hell by Our Lady.

The following, through several interviews of the visionaries, is a detailed description of hell.

Vicka: “We saw many people in hell. Many are there already, and many more will go there when they die…The Blessed Mother says that those people who are in hell are there because they chose to go there. They wanted to go to hell…We all know that there are persons on this earth who simply don’t admit that God exists, even though He helps them, gives them life and sun and rain and food. He always tries to nudge them onto the path of holiness. They just say they don’t believe, and they deny Him. They deny Him, even when it is time to die. And they continue to deny Him, after they are dead. It is their choice. It is their will that they go to hell. They choose hell.

Question: “Describe hell as you remember it.

Vicka: “In the center of this place is a great fire, like an ocean of raging flames. We could see people before they went into the fire, and then we could see them coming out of the fire. Before they go into the fire, they look like normal people. The more they are against God’s will, the deeper they enter into the fire, and the deeper they go, the more they rage against Him. When they come out of the fire, they don’t have human shape anymore; they are more like grotesque animals, but unlike anything on earth. It’s as if they were never human beings before…They were horrible. Ugly. Angry. And each was different; no two looked alike…When they came out, they were raging and smashing everything around and hissing and gnashing and screeching.

Question: “Has seeing hell changed how you pray?

Vicka: “”Oh, yes! Now I pray for the conversion of sinners! I know what awaits them if they refuse to convert.”1

Vicka: “People turn away from God by choices they make. In this way they choose to enter the fire of hell where they burn away all connection to God. That’s why they can never get back to God. It takes God’s mercy to get back to Him. In hell, they no longer have access to God’s mercy…They choose to destroy their beauty and goodness. They choose to be ugly and horrible. People do this all the time. Each choice that is against God, God’s Commandments, God’s Will, singes God’s image in us…They become one with hell even while they have their body. At death they go on as they were when they had a body.”

The following is what Marija has shared about hell:

Question: “Marija, have you ever seen hell?

Marija: “Yes, it’s a large space with a big sea of fire in the middle. There are many people there. I particularly noticed a beautiful young girl. But when she came near the fire, she was no longer beautiful. She came out of the fire like an animal; she was no longer human. The Blessed Mother told me that God gives us all choices. Everyone responds to these choices. Everyone can choose if he wants to go to hell or not. Anyone who goes to hell chooses hell.

Question: “Marija, how and why does a soul choose hell for himself for all eternity?

Marija: “In the moment of death, God gives us the light to see ourselves as we really are. God gives freedom of choice to everybody during his life on earth. The one who lives in sin on earth can see what he has done and recognize himself as he really is. When he sees himself and his life, the only possible place for him is hell. He chooses hell, because that is what he is. That is where he fits. It is his own wish. God does not make the choice. God condemns no one. We condemn ourselves. Every individual has free choice. God gave us freedom.

Question: “Marija, what about people who grow up spiritually deceived, people who have been told that God does not exist, that there is no God?

Marija: “People, as they grow up, can think. Everyone knows and can recognize what is good and what is bad by the time they grow up. God gives us freedom of choice. We can choose good or bad. Everybody chooses here in this life whether he goes to Heaven or hell.

Question: “How do we choose Heaven or hell or Purgatory for ourselves?

Marija: “At the moment of death, God gives everyone the grace to see his whole life, to see what he has done, to recognize the results of his choices on earth. And each person, when he sees himself in the divine light of reality, chooses for himself where he belongs. Every individual chooses for himself what he personally deserves for all eternity.


Question: “Jakov, did you see hell?

Jakov: “Yes.

Question: “Can you tell us about it?

Jakov: “Very seldom do I talk about hell…I choose not to think about hell. The self-chosen suffering there is beyond your ability to comprehend.

Question: “Does it cause you pain?

Jakov: “More than you can understand…Because no one needs to go to hell. It is the ultimate waste.

Question: “What can people do to keep from going to hell?

Jakov: “Believe in God, no matter what happens in a lifetime.”

Description of hell



NDE: Vision of Hell and Purgatory by Marino Restrepo