Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary also reject Vatican Council II on the subject of other religions?

The traditionalists Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary have accepted the Jewish Left version of Vatican Council II and are in good standing with the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and their local diocese.The Society of St.Pius X (SSPX) has said that they accept 95% of the Council but in general reject the Council as interpreted by the Left.

The Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and other traditionalists like the Fraternity of St.Peter have remained silent.A terrible silence.Especially since at the centre of the rejection of Vatican Council II is really the controversy of the Fr.Leonard Feeney case.For the SSPX, Cardinal Richard Cushing who believed that the baptism of desire and invincible ignorance were known exceptions to the literal interpretation of the dogma on salvation, was not in heresy. The SSPX instead 'condemns' Fr.Leonard Feeney.

For the SSPX the traditional interpretation of the dogma was heresy. While allegedly visible and dead persons were exceptions to every one converting into the Catholic Church was not heresy.

Now for the SSPX implcit to us salvation mentioned in Vatican Council II is an exception to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the rest of Tradition. Vatican Council II becomes a break with the past. But it is a break with the past only because it is alleged that we can see the dead who are real exceptions to the dogma.

The Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Fr.Leonard Feeney's communities in the USA know that the baptism of desire and invincible ignorance are irrelevant to the literal interpretation of Fr.Leonard Feeney.

They could say that Vatican Council II affirms the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and so is in agreement with the traditional position on other religions.This should at least be their understanding of Vatican Council II.

When will the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary who hold the literal interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and also accept Vatican Council II clarify their position on this issue?-Lionel Andrades


Archbishop Augustine Di Noia's statement shows that the Vatican is willing to change the teachings of the Church on salvation due to the pressure from the Jewish Left.

The Ecclesia Dei Vice President wants the Society of St.Pius X (SSPX) to accept Vatican Council II as a break with Tradition and which the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith himself called an heretical interpretation.

The Secretary of the CDF in the book Documenti published by the International Theological Commission cites known exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.It is as if he can see the deceased saved in invincible ignorance and the baptism of desire, who are exceptions to every one needing to convert into the Church for salvation.Based on this factual error, of being able to see the dead, he has built up various theologies like the theology of religions, which has been approved by Pope Benedict XVI.

The cardinals and archbishops at the CDF hold this heretical beliefs, with no rational basis, and then offer Holy Mass in public, with the approval of the pope.Firstly they deny the dogma on salvation. Then with allegedly being able to see the dead, they deny that Vatican Council II is not a break with Tradition, the dogma on salvation and the Syllabus of Errors.

How can Archbishop Di Noia 'rationally' suggest in the interview with the National Catholic Register a few months back that elements of sanctification (LG 8) are explicit exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus? Can he see the dead on earth saved with elements of sanctification, for them to be exceptions to the dogma?

So for him Vatican Council II must be a break with the past, a break with the dogma on salvation and the Syllabus of Errors. This irrational,non traditional,modernist interpretation of Vatican Council II is approved by the Jewish Left. So there is now no political threat to the Vatican or to the Archbishop 's office at Ecclesia Dei.There will not be a leftist campaign against him as was the case with Cardinal Castrillion Hoyes.

This the Vatican Council Ii that Ecclesia Dei wants the SSPX and its seminarians to affirm. For political security, after throwing out the dogma on salvation, the Vatican could agree to change its policy on homosexuality and abortion -Lionel Andrades


The situation is grave. Ecclesia Dei is giving up correct doctrine to protect itself from the Jewish Left.They are expecting the Society of St. Pius  X (SSPX) to accept it. Archbishop Augustine Di Noia's call to unity has been posted on Rorate Caeili and now re-reported in other media.The Vatican has sold out doctrine to the Jewish Left and now in the name of unity wants the SSPX to accept all that heresy.

The SSPX-Vatican talks were kept secret since it was the Vatican-side which had a lot to hide on doctrine.

Archbishop Di Noia has not quoted passages from the Bible, in the recent appeal to the SSPX, which says Jews need to convert.Neither did he quote passages to the Jewish Left rabbis, which indicate, outside the church there is no salvation.(John 3:5,Mk.16:16 etc).

Why does the SSPX have to accept Vatican Council II with the dead man walking theory?Why does the SSPX have to assume that invincible ignorance and a good conscience(LG 16), elements of sanctification(LG 8) etc are exceptions to the literal interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus?

The Vatican will pounce on any priest or seminarian who affirms the dogma on salvation.The Vatican wants to  protect its property and privileges against the anti-Semitism law.

In all the Catholic Churches priests are to say during the homilies,that Jesus is the only Saviour. This is true but it is not the 'fullness of the truth'. The fullness of the truth is that Jesus is the only Saviour of the world and salvation is there in only the Catholic Church; all need to convert into the Catholic Church, with faith and baptism, for salvation.
Catholic priests in their homilies, with the approval of the Vatican and the Jewish Left, only say that salvation is available for all, it is universal.They do not say that to receive this salvation all need to be visible members of the Catholic Church.

Ecclesia Dei wants all the seminarians in the SSPX seminaries, to accept all this false doctrine.It is with such theology that the Novus Ordo Mass is being offered and so Bishop Bernard Fellay said this was all 'evil'.

Two leftist rabbis, Rosen and Segni, are on public record announcing their conditions for the SSPX to be accepted in the Church with full canonical status.There was no criticism from the Vatican to these Jewish rabbis telling Catholics what belief is acceptable to them and to be permitted by them.


The Catechism is being misinterpreted on invincible ignorance and the baptism of desire and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith is not issuing a correction. The Catechism of the Catholic Church does not state that these cases of the baptism of desire etc  are explicit for us but yet this is how it is being interpreted by numerous prominent Catholics.

The Vatican wants to protect its political and  economic interests.Now they want to enforce this 'new magisterium' on the SSPX in the name of unity.
-Lionel Andrades