Sunday, November 3, 2013

SSPX did not protest at the error in the Lineamenta for the New Evangelisation -for obvious reasons

The Society of St.Pius X(SSPX) Italy is selling another book in Italian in which 'seeds of the Word'(AG 11) and imperfect communion with the Church(UR 3)  etc are considered exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
So it is no surprise that they were silent when there was a glaring error in the Lineamenta for the New Evangelisation published by the Vatican (2011).The same error as in their books.
 In this Lineamenta Pope Benedict XVI and the Vatican Curia also assumed 'seeds of the Word' etc were known exceptions to the dogma on salvation.
 The Lineamenta no where affirms the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus or Ad Gentes 7 which says all need faith and baptism for salvation and that all need to enter the Church 'as through a door'.(AG7, CCC 846). The focus of the Lineamenta is Jesus without the necessity of the Church, without the necessity of visible membership in the Catholic Church to avoid Hell (for salvation).
The Synod of Bishops (13th Assembly) assumed everyone does not need to enter the Catholic Church in 2011-12 for salvation since there were known exceptions.
 In the SSPX book 'Sinossi degli Errori imputati al Concilio Vaticano II' by Canosius (2011, Albano,Italy p.27. Chapter 2)  it is said Vatican Council II contradicts the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. For Canosius  Vatican Council II contradicts the dogma when it refers to those saved with 'seeds of the Word' and 'elements of sanctification and truth'.
The Lineamenta and the SSPX book were pubished in 2011.
The Lineamenta has not mentioned the thrice defined dogma since it is assumed that Vatican Council II contradicts the dogma on exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church. In other words we can see the dead now saved with 'seeds of the Word 'etc.They are visible and living exceptions, for the Vatican and the SSPX, to the teaching on all needing to convert into the Church to go to Heaven.
Canosius then says that all this is absurd and incoherent and represents a negation of the truth and the faith (p.28) i.e the negation of the dogma and Tradition in Vatican Council II is absurd.
 Canosius is not aware that the false premise from Cushingism is being used. Seeds of the Word etc are not known exceptions or relevant to the dogma on salvation. We cannot name any such case in the present times.Vatican Council II also does not claim that they are exceptions.To suggest that there are living exceptions is not only absurd but also fantasy.
Elsewhere Canosius says that being saved in invincible ignorance is only a possibility (p.27). Yes!- and so are seeds of the Word and elements of sanctification and truth(LG 8). They are possibilities and not exceptions.
 The SSPX did not protest at the error in the Lineamenta  for obvious  reasons! They consider 'seeds of the Word' and 'elements of sanctification and truth' as exceptions and not just possibilities.-Lionel Andrades

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