Wednesday, October 14, 2009


October 15 is the  feast day of St. Teresa of Avila.

For a day and a half a grave was left open in my convent, waiting for my body, and the rites for the dead were performed at a friary of our Order a short distance away. But it pleased the Lord that I should come round. I immediately asked to confess, and took Communion with many tears. But I do not think my tears came only from pain and sorrow at having offended God, which might have been enough to excuse me, if I had not the additional excuse of having been misled by those priests who had told me that certain things were not mortal sins which certainly were, as I have since seen.-The Life of St. Teresa of Avila Chapter 5 Translated by J.M Cohen.

Teresa says that our soul is created in the image of God. She says God is in the centre of our soul. She compares the soul to a castle with God there in the centre of the castle. The way to reach this centre, she says, is prayer and meditation.

This Castle has many mansions and the soul moves from one mansion to another .The soul has been made, programmed, to do the will of God and to reach Perfection, to reach the centre. This is built in like a teleogical missile or rocket i.e. a rocket which knows before it reaches the target, what is the target and how it will get there. God has built the soul to come back to Him if we just do His Will and not ours.

The soul is like pure light and with great beauty. God built it this way. But when we commit a mortal sin the soul becomes dark. The soul separates itself from God. Since the devil is darkness the soul becomes like the devil. Instead of evolving towards the Sun in the centre of the Soul the soul devolves or remains in the outer mansion only.

All these signs of the fear of God came to me through prayer, and the greatest of these was that I went about enveloped in love, for the thought of punishment no longer occurred to me. All the time that I was so ill, my conscience remained very much awake against mortal sin-The Life of St. Teresa of Avila .Chapter 6
A soul in grace is like a pure fresh stream that helps trees to grow and gives life. A soul in mortal sin is a like a foul smelling dirty stream that pollutes everything. The soul in this state creates misery for itself.

Teresa had the gift to see souls and so she could describe them.

She says we must ask God for two graces 1) A great fear of not offending Him and 2) humility. This is important for the interior journey to God.

In the First Mansion there are millions of souls. They are motivated by good intentions. The soul has to give up its love for its self, advantage and honor to enter the Second Mansion.

In the Second Stanza the devil places obstacles like love for things of the world, ones friends and relatives, guarding ones health during penance and millions of other obstacles.

As we move from the outer mansions closer to God we need to persevere and trust in God, since He knows what is best for us to come to Him. He wants us to come to Him.

The Way is Suffering. The Cross .The more suffering you receive the more freedom and liberty you have. Always choose the Cross she says.

If we do not leave prayer God will show us the way into the Third Mansion.

What is the grace that takes you into the Third Mansion? She can only describe it with the words-Blessed is the man who fears the Lord. It is here that God gives you the gift of a confident conscience.

The Fourth Mansion is a blessed Mansion as one gets closer to the King in the Castle. Here thoughts and evil have less power to distract and trouble us. There are spiritual consolations and sweetness in meditation. To make progress here she says the important thing is not to think much but to love much.

The heavenly grace, the pure fresh water begins to flow from the Source and spreads with goodness, happiness, joy, consolations and mystical states. This happens effortlessly and is a grace here. The will is more closely united to the will of God.

There is the experience of the Prayer of Recollection.

Very few people enter the Fifth Mansion. The soul is conscious of being in union with God. Or that there is such a thing as being in union with God. There is the Prayer of Union here which she describes. The love of ones neighbor takes a new dimension here. It’s importance is realized. One has to proceed carefully here since the Devil is still watching and waiting to send the soul back to the First Mansion.

She cautions that we must withdraw from all possibilities and occasions of sin. We need to be very careful.

In the Fifth Mansion we need to continuously ask God to guard us. Since if he leaves us the soul will fall. The soul may be doing the will of God but the devil distracts the soul with good things, things which are not sins but which will over time gradually take the soul away from the will of God and distract it. It could be like meeting a friend or spending time with a relative.

In the Sixth Mansion God awakens a soul. There are locutions and teachings. Apparitions. There is great tranquility. The soul becomes devout and is easily recollected. Here are raptures and ecstasy. However holy a person is she says he must always keep before him the Humanity of Jesus. She is referring to mental prayer and meditation. This is an anchor in Jesus and prevents the Devil misleading you. The devil is still there waiting for you to fall. Since he knows that in this state a soul can save many others, like did the Catholic saints.

When one enters the Seventh Mansion the Holy Trinity grants knowledge of the Godhead. The soul is helped to go towards perfection says St. Teresa of Avila in the Interior Castle. The soul is aware of being in union with God in a spiritual way. The soul desires to suffer and do the will of God perfectly. There is no more dryness or suffering here as the soul experienced in earlier mansions. There is tranquility. The soul does not want to commit the slightest imperfection.Humility is still the key.

Here she concludes The Interior Castle (Read it online at Catholic First)

Solitude is their delight and they dislike the mere thought of seeing anyone, even a close relative, unless the meeting will help kindle their love of the Bridegroom... (Speaking of her convent of sisters)Their sole conversation is of God, and they understand no one who speaks of anything else, nor do those others understand them. We observe the Rule of Our Lady of Carmel…

…to enjoy the company of their Bridegroom, Christ, in solitude. For this must always be the sole aim of our nuns: to be alone with Him...’-Life of St. Teresa of Avila Chapt.37


There are a group of sisters whose apostolate is focused on the Eucharist. They are in search of a new place to stay in Rome.

In Rome presently there is only one church which offers Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration 24 hours throughout the year .It is at Santa Anastasia al Palatino .The Adoration is coordinated by a small group of dedicated elderly ladies using the telephone.

Even during the last few weeks during the Ferraugusta holidays they tapped into their list of adorers of the Eucharist. They had people who volunteered as Responsible some for an hour. Others for the whole morning. Others at night.

Aside from Santa Anastasia there is no church a Catholic can go to at night if he or she needs to stay before the Blessed Sacrament for sometime. All the churches in Rome are closed.

There if one other church where they have Eucharistic Adoration until midnight. Then the Church is closed with the adorer within.There are two sisters’ Congregation which have Eucharistic Adoration during the whole night but it is only for their own community.

During the day there are many communities of sisters who have Eucharistic Adoration and it is open to all.

A priest wrote a letter to the Editor of Avvenire saying that security guards are employed to protect people and things why not hire them during the night?

If one lives near Garbatella for instance there is no chapel where one can go for Eucharistic Adoration at night. The only chapel which has adoration there closes by 7 p.m. Similar is the case in other areas of Rome.

Jesus is alone in tabernacles and the Churches are closed as if he is to remain a prisoner.

The Sisters who are in search of a new place could begin Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration with the help of the local parish/parishes. However they need a place to live.

If you can help them find a place near a potential 24 hour Eucharistic Adoration centre please e-mail me:


According to the Archdiocese of Westminister Soho Mass Pastoral Council announcement on the Internet :

14. Homosexuals have the same need for the Sacraments as the heterosexual. They also have the same right to receive the Sacraments. In determining whether or not to administer Absolution or give Communion to a homosexual, a pastor must be guided by the general principles of fundamental theology, that only a certain moral obligation may be imposed. An invincible doubt, whether of law or fact, permits one to follow a true and solidly ‘probable opinion’ in favour of a more liberal interpretation.
While on Oct 10, 2009 Catholics held a Rosary Procession in Reparation, for the sacrilegous Soho Masses approved by the Archdiocese of Westminster. Leaflets were distributed  by Pro Ecclesia Et Pontifice, England.

The Pastoral Council of Westminster and those in the Reparation Procession are following two different Catholic moral teachings.

Homosexuality is a mortal sin and a person needs absolution in the Confessional. Assuming a person has received absolution and has not committed sodomy or had wilful thoughts of lust (willful lust is a mortal sin also for heterosexuals) he could decide if he was worthy to receive the Eucharist.

If a person is an active homosexual and flaunts it in public through the internet and civil parternerships as announced by the Pastoral Council of the Westminster Archdiocese and lay homosexuals it is a mortal sin.It is a sacrilege for them to receive the Eucharist.It is sacrilegious communion for the priests giving them the Eucharist.

Persons in public sin are not allowed to receive the Eucharist.The new announcement by the Soho Mass participants and organisers on the internet show that they are affiliated with homosexual organisations and are practising homosexuals.

The Church teaching is that homosexuality is a scandal-a mortal sin. It is an unnatural act and an impure act- a mortal sin.

The Soho Mass Pastoral Council No.14 is a rebellion. It indicates that the exceptions make the rule. It is contrary to the teachings of Veritatis Splendor, Pope John Paul II's moral encyclical.It is a new moral teaching.

The Church's moral teaching has not changed. The homosexual is oriented to Hell if he dies immediately without Confession.

The Pastoral Council is saying that practising homosexuals are not in mortal sin. Westminister is saying that in general the homosexuals are not in mortal sin.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church says homosexuality is an intrinsically evil act. Veritatis Splendor says that an intrinsically evil act is always a mortal sin, even if one suggests that the person is not aware of the sin.

Veritatis Splendour is clear that there is no 'invincible doubt'. Also we cannot judge who has an 'invincible doubt'.Veritatis Splendor says that the exterior action indicates the interior intention.It calls mortal sin a mortal sin.

The Westminister Archdiocese announcement :-

The Soho Masses

The Soho Masses Pastoral Council welcomes lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered Catholics, their parents, families and friends to Masses at 5.00 pm, on the 1st & 3rd Sundays of every month, at the Church of the Assumption & St Gregory, Warwick Street, London
Masses, at which LGBT Catholics are particularly welcomed, are held at 5.00 pm, on the 1st & 3rd Sundays of each month, at one of Soho's most historic Catholic parish churches: The Church of Our Lady of the Assumption & St. Gregory, Warwick Street, London W1B 5NB, close to Piccadilly Circus. The church dates from the 18th century and was used as a chapel by the Portuguese and Bavarian embassies, built during a period when public Catholic worship was still outlawed.


 An Italian diocesan priest in Rome has appealed to the Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI to correct the statement of the Conference of Italian Bishops President Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, who has assured the pro-homosexuality,abortion and syncretism Jewish Left that Jews do not have to convert and that the Church will not actively seek their conversion.

The cardinal issued the statement on Sept.22,2009 .It was reported in the daily Avvenire, on Sept.23,2009.

Father Tullio Rotondo in a an e-mail message received today said that the cardinal’s statement was contary to the Bible in which all Jews are called to conversion.

Fr.Rotondo said that Jesus had called all people to convert, especially the Jews. Jesus had sent His Apostles to convert all people.

Fr.Rontondo referred to Bible passages Matt.3:2.Matt.4:17,Matt.11:20, Matt.12:41,Matt.13:15,Matt 18:3,Mark 1:15,Marck 4:12, Mark 6:12,Luk 5:32, Luke 10:30,Luke 11:32,Luk 13:3,Luke 13:5,Luke 15:7,Luke 15:10,John 12:40,Acts 3:26,9:35,Acts.20:21,Acts.26:20,Acts.28:27,2 Tim.2:25.

The above Biblical quotations Fr.Tullio Rotondo said help us understand that first and foremost the Jews need to convert and then the others. It makes us understand that we must preach for the conversion of the Jews and we must pray and appeal to the saints for this conversion.

We pray also for the conversion of the cardinals, he said, who say things that appear scandalous and contrary to the Sacred Faith. Don Tullio said that he is praying also that the Holy Father intervenes.

Don Tullio said that we must fight also in the Church of God, for the Truth.